We had many exciting opportunities to celebrate the achievements of our clients and communities throughout the year!
MFS Mpowers the Vote!
Metropolitan Family Services partnered with Nonprofit Votes and Chicago Votes to lead a voter registration campaign.
Domestic Violence
Awareness Month
Domestic Violence can manifest in many different ways – emotional, financial, sexual, and physical. Our DuPage Center spent the month of October spreading awareness and engaging the community in breaking the silence to end domestic violence through various events held at the center and in the community.
Ribbon Cutting Held for the Newly Expanded Midway Center
Joined by MFS Board Members, community partners, local representatives, and many more, we celebrated the Midway Center’s expansion from 13,700 to 20,700 square feet – a project launched more than two years ago with former Midway Executive Director Laurie Sedio, who brought the expansion to completion with current Executive Director Bryan Johnson and a great buildout team.
PNC + The Bears Reading Event
The Chicago Bears and PNC Bank continued their #HomeroomHuddle with a special visit to preschool classrooms at Metropolitan Family Services. Bears Fullback Robert Burns and PNC volunteers visited with and read to young learners.
Unveiling the New MPA Training and Wellness Center
The new state-of-the-art site was unveiled with the help of local officials, board members, donors, and staff for a special ribbon cutting ceremony.
HECC Program Showcase
We were honored to host our first-ever Program Showcase highlighting the Howard & Evanston Community Center!
Mpower the Night
Our 42nd Annual Mpower the Night welcomed Board Members and nearly 450 guests to celebrate community connection!
A Night to Stand Up for Families
The first of its kind event brought together the Metropolitan Family Services DuPage family through a special program, featuring a presentation on our domestic violence services and recognition of our Roger K. Johnson Leadership Award Honoree, Marcie Peterson.
Senator Durbin Reports on Heal Initiative at MPA
Senator Durbin gave his five-year report for the Chicago HEAL Initiative, a collaborative network of 10 healthcare providers through 18 Chicago neighborhoods, at the Metropolitan Peace Academy!

Congratulations to Our Chicago Cubs Scholars!
Two students from our Calumet Upward Bound program, London Jackson (pictured left) and Armelle Crowder (pictured right), were selected as part of this year’s Cubs Scholar Class. Each received a $20,000 scholarship for college, and are participating in a mentoring program with help from Cubs College Prep.

Unveiling the New Head Start Playground
The playground was dedicated to the memory of Darby Pool, a beloved member of our MFS family, who suddenly passed away in April of 2023. Our Early Learning program had dreamed about this playground for many years, and it is Darby’s advocacy, collaboration, and dedication that made its funding and creation a reality.
Metro Community School Staff Advocates for Afterschool Programming
Metro Community Schools staff from our Southeast Chicago and Midway Centers joined around 100 people at the State Capitol advocating for afterschool programs in Illinois. Continued advocacy actions are crucial in ensuring youth in Illinois will still have access to quality afterschool programs.

Bensenville Early Childhood Center Welcomed U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth
Metropolitan was honored to welcome U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth to its Bensenville Early Childhood Center Head Start. Head Start has been proven to disrupt intergenerational poverty and unlock doors to opportunity for children and families. Thank you, Senator Duckworth, for meeting with our parents and staff to hear the difference Head Start has made in their lives and bringing their message to the U.S. Senate!